Kate & Joel Kindred Oaks Wedding

May 19, 2014

Weddings never cease to amaze me. I guess its the unexpected things that I love/keep me on my toes. Last night was no exception…Joel was a Marine so needless to say the groomsmen had a blast and during the ceremony a really young fawn ran about 20 yards from the ceremony but then 10 sec later a grey fox (see photo below) was following it! Don’t worry the fawn was long gone plus the the owner of Kindred Oaks saw the fox chasing a field mouse in the woods later that night. Anyhoo back to the wedding! Kate & Joel were an amazing couple who share a passion for their church and of course each other. Kate looked amazing in her dress and I loved the natural look to her hair. Joel your hair looked good too!

Congrats and have fun on your trip tomorrow!


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